In January 2023, I embarked on the wonderful adventure of a 200-hour Kundalini yoga training. This journey was going to be a high point in my life path.
Since then, I have been teaching Kundalini yoga and Chair Yoga. An additional training was added to enhance my service offering. In addition, another training was added to lead a yoga nidra and meditation class.
As the 2023 course had a great impact on my life, in January 2024, I did the 200-hour course again, but this time, as a Sevadar (volunteer/assistant to the teacher). I accompanied a new group of students in their 200-hour journey.
I can shout out loud that I am on my life path and that I have found my reason for being.
My passion for humanity shines through as I guide you towards a deep calm and a true connection to your true Self. In our fast-paced world, I help you to settle down for a moment, to center yourself and even to align yourself with your core values.
Sharing with the participants at a yoga class is what I want most in my life!
Infinite gratitude!